Although it is already cool and windy outside the window, my work mornings are full of warmth, coziness, and curiosity, waiting for clients. After all, each person is unique, has his or her own history, and it is very good to travel along this path of life, discovering new ways of solving problems; living with different feelings; rejoicing in even small steps of man towards his authentic life!
Increasingly, I am convinced that “wow” moments, when you are surprised and happy as a child, do not require a lot of expense or something grand. It could be a cup of delicious tea, a colorful sunset or a sincere conversation with a friend and even a client or … a lot of other things that already exist in our environment that just needed to be noticed and made meaningful.
Let’s put on a curious child’s “glasses” and see the miracle in simple things.
© Fortune, 2020
I hope, your new week started well?
so far the week is starting well
I too believe in those wow moments that we need to capture and reminisce on them.
B E A U T I F U L view! I would love to be there right now!