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Where's the Value?

I am speaking in general terms, not specific. I am not calling anyone out, I am making some observations. Most comments may not have much value over all. This became very apparent when members were simply editing to bring exposure to older posts. There were no rules associated with any of it. There were some common sense and ethical concerns that may have affected the behaviors of some. This could be in part why we no longer have the option to edit. It makes logical sense.

The practice of comments with little value or comments broken up into several little comments rather than completing a thought seems to be rewarded. It made me wonder. If I wrote a post as an experiment and simply comment until I reached more comments than other posts would I learn something? Yes. 

If I then asked that the article be removed, I believe that any rewards associated with it would be removed as well. I would be truly interested in trying this out and see what the answer might be. This way we could expose and understand that commenting in that fashion truly does have a negative effect.

I think it would be worth exploring. Since there are no advertisements showing at this time, it might be the perfect time to do such a test.

  • Is it time to do that test?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


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  1. that is an interesting test. The results for the first part are very clear. My impression would be (wholly a guess) is that you would keep any earned Virils even for a deleted post. But that is a guess and I do not know either way.

    • The results are quite sad. It means that anyone can just sit and comment on their own work over and over to get top comments. That means the category now has no real value. At least we know now. I didn’t know that was a certainly before.

    • Oh look at that link is active so you are flipping through this and want to hear a great song there is one there. I learned something new. So if a writer was discouraged I might be inspired to leave them and inspirational song.

  2. p.s. oh I do see that I solicited a vote because it is a pole, but a vote have no monetary value and neither will this post as I will request the removal as soon and the experiment is over – it should be help to learn something that I am curious about – learning is good.

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