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Wednesday Shadow – Lazzy cat

Cats can be incredibly lazy. They enjoy resting in all sorts of uncommon places in the most unusual positions. These positions are often mind-boggling and entertaining.

That’s Kitty in the usual moment of daily laziness.?

“Cats do not have to be shown how to have a good time, for they are unfailing ingenious in that respect.”

  • Is your cat a lazy boy?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

16 Points

Written by Ileana Calotescu



  1. Wow, that cat of your sure knows hoe to relax or chill out. He is very handsome or beautiful depending on his or her sex. But I definitely agree, yes cats are lazy just like my Runt. But they are lazy for a reason. They are inbred to hunt at night when their eyesight is the best and that applies even to today after hundreds, what am I saying, thousands of years of being here on earth. Runt, my feline often sleeps the whole day and then spends more than half of the night outside and not because we do not feed him but just because it is his instinct to try to hunt at night (although we know he manages to catch a few mice or birds as evidenced by the carcasses found in the backyard). But lately, in the winter time he is very restless because it is way to cold for him to stay outside longer than 10 minutes.