We were on a Europe package holiday. While in Germany we were taken to a chocolate factory and given a tour of the place We were shown how chocolates are prepared and the smell of the factory is still around me.
At the end of the tour we were taken to a hall where a talk was given on the subject and lastly they passed a tray loaded with chocolates for us. Those who sat in the first row got the most as they were grabbed and many sitting at the back did not get any. I was in the front row and I grabbed too
Looking back I felt I should not have grabbed so that everyone there got to taste them.
Would you have grabbed too?
I think a chocolate factory visit would be interesting I would like to know how to make chocolates.
May be you could visit one of your local factories.
May be differcult as I live in New Zealand and a few things here like moving has to be organised first.
Sounds like a great experience, I love chocolate!
Later we were taken to their store where we bought them at discounted rates
I think I’d grab it too because I love chocolate.
We tend to forget our manners at that time (lol)
I had a nice job and was happy to do it …. sometimes I miss traveling a lot
I visited quite a few chocolate factories around Europe …. I never waited for chocolate … I was a chauffeur and I even got a bag at each factory
Wow!! They were giving you bags full Lucky you!!! (lol)