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Virily time zone

Virily is in the GMT+3 time zone which means it is two and a half hours behind India.  It is around 10.30 in the morning here which means it will be around 8 in the morning for Virily.

There will soon be a clock forward for Virily.  The clock will move one hour forward on Sunday October 27 at 4 am . The clock will go back one hour on March 31 at 3 am. This does affect users specially when 24 hours are counted to determine the rising icon and flagging the most commented. I could be wrong.  Wonder in what other way this information will be useful for users.

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Written by grace


  1. I get very confused with time zones even in the country where I live. I live in one time zone and work in another. It’s often hard to remember when to go to work. (Oh, by the way this is part of your Christmas celebration. If you don’t understand you will have to check out my post!

  2. I didn’t know about this. Thank you for sharing.
    So daylight saving is going to end soon, and we have to adjust the timing for Virily and other websites, right?
