A short time back, I wrote about how I’d ordered a new Food Processor. It arrived and I’ve used it several times already. I must say that I’m very pleased with it. In case anyone is interested, it is called the Alcove Ultimate 15-in-1 Kitchen System. It comes with 4 really sharp blades, a chopper attachment, a blender attachment, a mixer attachment, and a juicer attachment.
So far, I’ve used it primarily to make “chicken slop”. I shred apples and potatoes and boil these up, adding rice, oats, and corn, plus protein and powdered eggshells for calcium. The blades go through the potatoes and apples easily, while the old processor struggled. I haven’t used the other attachments yet, but I’m already pleased and would recommend this product. It is saying a lot if I recommend a product. This is one of the best investments I’ve made in several years. I’ve also used it to make hashbrowns and onions for a meal. I turned out great. I can hardly wait to make Fries with it. This is going to help me save a lot of time and effort when cooking. It took about 5 minutes to make the hashbrowns and onions, and that was a large batch.
Next project will be zucchini bread. yummy!
Have you ever spent time to select a really good small appliance for the kitchen?
I prefer doing it by hand
I’ve just been given a really nice blender so practising smoothies at the moment.
That is great! You get to enjoy while you are practicing. 🙂
it is some time very had to choose home appliances in a big market.
Yes. This is one reason I wanted to offer this as sort of a product review. It might help someone make that decision, a little more easily.
I have them in single unit, so my kitchen is in a mess now. 😛
Believe me, I know the feeling. lol
I used to have a food processor but now being alone I no longer need one, Enjoy your processor it looks like it sure can do a lot. If you haven’t tried doing that yet, I suggest olive oil and peanuts to make homemade peanut butter. That is so good.
I haven’t made peanut butter in a long while and should. I don’t add oil, though. When the peanuts are ground for a certain length of time, the peanut oil is released so no additional oil is needed. Thank you for the reminder. That is something I want to make.
I want to make mayonnaise, too.
I had a food processor but it was too bulky and I never had a big crowd to cook for.
This one isn’t small, so it would qualify as ‘bulky’. On the other hand, the blender, mixer, and juicer attachments can take the place of other appliances, so it can save room in the long run.