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Up all Night

Post-traumatic stress disorder and Alzhiemers can be a lethal combination.As soon as the news began reporting that the missiles were flying, his counselor called and left me a message. “Remember, forever, no matter how much progress he makes, he is only five minute from Vietnam in his mind. Be careful tonight and try to limit exposure.”  He also sent it text.

I quickly said “Let’s have a movie night” and started a movie. It went well for about an hour and then he wandered upstairs where a television on in Bro’s room. The rest of the night was just trying to keep things busy and keep him present.  At 3:00 am I finally got him to take his medication and he is sleeping. 

His confusion is so intense and he is concerned that his friends that he served with years ago were under fire. I am hopeful that he will sleep for at least 8 hours and then we can find some new distractions and perhaps get him into the doctor for any suggestions.

I suppose it would be prudent for me to turn on the news and prepare myself for what he may see. I am hopeful that if I can set up several movies that he will have forgotten some of the stress and images of last night.

It is hard to help when you really don’t understand and I really don’t understand.

Disclaimer: Unless mentioned by name there is no real or inference, referring to anyone on this site, real or fictional.

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Written by Ghostwriter


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  1. my father-in-law was a signalman in WWII on an LST. any noise that was unexpected would cause him to jump.

    towards the end, as the world of today slipped away from him (he suffered from Alzheimer’s) he moved closer and closer to the trauma.

    war is hell for anyone. But to relive it day after day i am so sorry. i miss my father-in-law, but his last few months were really hard on him.

  2. I have PTSD and a close uncle has dementia. I can relate on a different level. Thankfully I don’t know anyone that has both. Hugs ot you for what you go through each day. Keep your head up and vent any time.


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