
Love ItLove It

Today IS the first day of the rest of my life

I really need to simply view life this way right now. So much is going on and I have no control over anything. Work is not set up correctly for me to return after funeral leave. The furnace is not really working. My brain probably needs a good reset and I need to make some life decisions. Everyone says, no wait awhile to make the big decisions, but I feel like there is no time to wait. There are too many decisions to be made.

None of us wants the house. The housing market where the house is the average house doesn’t sell for about 3 years.  His house is very small as it was just the two of them. We live so far away we have to let others take care of things and of course, there are those costs.

Then there is the who wants what stuff going on. I wanted the stuff in the junk drawer so one of my siblings threw it all away. I crocheted Mom an afghan that same sibling had taken it and put it in his vehicle, I took it back!  I also took the salt shakers I gave her. That is all I took.  So there should be no complaints from family members.

None of the vehicles, no furniture, nothing of any real monetary value, I just took the two things to remind me of my parents. If that’s too much for them, they can find another sibling to be the baby of their family! 

  • Question of

    Am I dealing with this okay?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Any suggestions for me ?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


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  1. When my dad died from cancer I felt empty for about 6 weeks. Then one day i spotted a box of cornflakes on the shelf at the store, and I smiled. and I just had to buy some. My dad ate this every morning for breakfast. I went home and smiled while eating me a bowl fo cornflakes. From that moment on I just thought of little things like that. I talk to his spirit sometimes and it helps. I know what he would tell me, and how proud he would be of me. I feel proud he was my dad, but I know he is better off, and at peace. So I am now!

  2. Take one day at a time and pray for guidance. It does work, I am living proof. Going through trials can defeat you, or make you stronger. I am a fighter and so are you. Inner strength comes from God I believe if you ask for it. We can not change our family, but we can change our attitude about the situation. Hold your head up high, and know you will survive and be strong. Help someone in need. I have heard and have helped others when I was down, and it made me forget my own problems Read a good mystery. Reading puts you into someone else’s life for a while. These things do help. Message me if you need to talk.

  3. Making suggestions for you is a tricky proposition, because everyone’s circumstances are different and what might work well in one environment would not work in another.

    My mother died last year at the age of nearly 104 – my father died way back in 1983. My sister lives a lot closer to my mother’s home than I do, so she has been more involved with sorting things out, although we both worked on her will and getting the money issues dealt with.

    In other words, i do have some experience in dealing with the recent loss of a parent, if that is of any use to you.


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