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The plus side of Coronavirus

With socialising being restricted we now see many spending time at home.  Those celebrities who  let their maids take care of their pets and garden are now seen paying attention to them. 

Families are now seen eating together and chatting exchanging news and views. In some places it is reported they sing from their balconies. 

Money that would have been otherwise spent on clubs and gyms is saved. 

There is not much change in my lifestyle as I am a homebody. 

  • Question of

    Has your lifestyle changed on account of the Coronavirus?

    • Yes
  • Question of

    Has your lifestyle changed on account of the Corona virus?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by grace


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  1. I live a quiet and relatively home life but we do go out to the odd cafe no restrictions on the cafes.
    Seems to me that the people coming back with coronavirus are the wealthy people who can afford overseas travel we are not in this sector.

    Now every overseas plane that lands here, requires everyone on board to go into self isolation for 14 days.
    The reason why so many countries have this virus is that people won’t do that.
    If the overseas people don’t do this they are simply sent back to their own country.

    Anyone with coronavirus has all people near them sent into self isolation for 14 days.

  2. I am already leading a very quiet and basically always home life. So no big problem for me. Another plus side although it affects the economy is that the carbon emissions (at least in China) have greatly diminished. So this is a plus for the environment. But now a lot of people are being laid off indefinitely (unless they can work at home) so this will have a severe impact on their lives…. This COVID 19 is being equaled to the Spanish flu (in 1918 if I remember well) which killed not thousands but millions of people around the globe…Oops maybe I should not have written this because I certainly do not want to scare you…


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