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The math of emotions

Math is not easily understood by many.  Take this for example:

Adding and multiplying combinations of positives and negatives is quite confusing. Care needs to be taken while dealing with them. Two pluses make a plus, two minuses make a plus but a plus and a minus make a minus. 

Relating this formula to emotions when we are dealing with two people it is better that we have plus emotions of both but never a plus and a minus as that will lead to a minus.  A minus is a disturbing situation. 

Moral of the story – dislike both or like both.  The choice is yours. 

  • As an outsider would you avoid a situation where you like one but not the other?

    • Yes


What do you think?

Written by grace


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  1. If you subtract from the larger number by the small the result is positive. Example (15-10 = 5). In this case, the positive is greater than the negative. I choose this case, which shows that there are more positive people.

  2. If you subtract from the larger number by the small the result is positive. Example (15-10 = 5). In this case, the positive is greater than the negative. I choose this case, which shows that there are more positive people.

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