There are some big decisions to make. I am tired. I am confused and I am a bit sad. There are many things I could be doing and perhaps even should be doing. Still I did an internet crawl hoping for some inspiration. There are times when this works.
This time I stumbled across lists of sad words. Humm, I guess I have many ways to describe how I am feeling today and I am not sure if that is exactly what I need, yet it was what I found. So if you are playing for the treasure chest and want another entry here is your clue. Leave a list of four sad words in comments.
Question of
Do you know any sad words?
Question of
For you, is solitude a sad word?
Question of
Is being melancholy sometimes a part of being healthy?
Heart touching words that he say
shes sao sad whyyyyyyyyy
Four Sad Words: Despair Alzheimers Terminal Regret
A long time ago I decided that, even though I do know some sad words, they won’t be part of my diccionary anymore! That’s the first step to the happiness actually