It is well devolved beautiful beach located in lasbela district of the Baluchistan pakistan
it is cleanest beach there are no nearby village town or fishing port wich makes it a delightful place
the water is crystal blue with small waves wich make it a perfect place to enjoy white crabs are verry common on the beach and you can see young small crabs crawling in the beach wich amazes children
Somiani beach is very popular among tourist
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I am also stopping by today to say thank you for being a part of virily. I was trying to do it all in one day, but I am not sure I will make it!
Hmm. Nice work ?….
I love beaches and this would may be one of them
Somaini beach looks cool. A beach with clear sand and some rocks always look great.
That’s a lovely photo and a lovely beach! I love the ocean!
Lovely photo, not much of a beach person.
Thanks for sharing about Somiani beach!
Have you been there? How is your time there? 🙂