This lucky little ladybug has landed here to stay in front of me just as long I needed to take this picture. Isn’t she beautiful?
I chose this photo to match the color proposed by Kim for this week!????
Hello friends! It’s Saturday! It is the day when many creatures should make their appearance in Virily! That’s only if you are determined to participate in this challange. All you have to do is post a critter that lives in your area.
What is a critter? Everything that belongs to the animal kingdom!
Have you seen any critter this week?
i love ladybugs. i have a stone made like a ladybug.
The only thing I’ve seen this week are House Sparrows when I was walking my dog. I haven’t been out of the house much lately. Too cold and too snowy.
Some birds adapt to winter conditions and the sparrows are among them. In my area they are also present throughout the year.
I suspect you have ordered that cute creature to be red merely to join Kim’s ?challenge!
Oops! You got me!
It was yellow and suddenly turned red. It will be turned yellow again next week when it will be a yellow week on Virily!?
I am curious about the appearance if it becomes black later. Brtw, it’s not chameleon, right?
It is not! Chameleons don’t live in my area!
I think all the insects made tiny Noahs Arks and went to high ground around here. We have had so much rain. Love this shot, the clarity and depth of field is superb. 🙂
?That is a nice ideea! Ladybug’s Ark!
Very nice work friend. Lovely
Thank you! Ladybugs are cute insects.
Not many insects here due to the cold and rain. But my cats are my critters.
Great macro by the way.
The cold weather keeps them in hibernation!