Do you ever wish you could get help cutting your grass? A few day’s ago Stacy and I helped Ray cut the grass He cuts our neighbors yard and ours twice a week. He works over ten hours a day as well. Stacy and I knew he needed our help. Helping her step-dad made her feel good
Do you get offers to help cut your grass
I bet he felt relieved too.
Yes,Thomas,he was thankful for our help.
I think we all feel better when we help each other. Thanks for being such a great example and sharing.
You Inspire me as well Ghostwriter Keep sharing
That was good of her. I have helped in other areas though I have helped in the past in cutting grass.
Great Introvert, your giving spirit shines through
I no longer have a garden to worry about and from what I have seen the patch of grass here gets mowed by a service about twice a month.
My husband cuts our grass twice a week as well as our neighbor.
i have the twin mowing system in our house 🙂
Great you have help bro but you need the exercises lol so you can run a marathon.
my knees won’t take running anymore, but I would love to walk a marathon!
I have someone to cut our grass thankfully.
So glad you have help. My mom has to pay a lot to keep hers cut.