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One Stunning Cactus in Bloom

Quite often we think of cacti as thorny, ugly plants which have no beauty about them.  However, some of them have the most stunning and delicate flowers I have ever seen.

This cactus here is never given a second glance by the visitors to my garden , but I always show them these pictures and watch how their attitudes change. Most often I have people asking me if I could give them a cacti pup. I usually do. I feel these cacti need some promotion.

This bloom here could compete with any of my waterlilies for its beauty. I enjoy these blooms from April to June. Many of my cacti are in bloom in this season.

If you like this post please take a look at my other posts on cacti in bloom

Another Cactus Bloom

Cactus In Bloom

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    Have you seen a cacti in bloom?

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    Do you think that this one is pretty?

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What do you think?

18 Points

Written by Dawn


    • Sharon Lopez, that is true, I have all kind of stuff there. Veggies, fruits and ornamental plants. I just love plants.

  1. All can say is stupendous bloom and all in pink no less. Very pretty. It is true that most peple (including me) see a cactus only as a prickly. But I am learning a lot from you. From the pricks comes out beauty.

  2. That’s a very pretty cactus. I just recently (last week) cultivated places for the prickly pear cactus trees in my front yard. They are considered weeds in our area. But I deliberately cultivate and propagate them for the sweet pears.