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Moon In The Bright Blue sky

In the evening when I am up in my terrace garden I love taking pictures of the clouds and the evening sky. We don’t get to see much of the sunset because of the high rises in our area. However, with the moon its a different story , we can always observe the moon rise on non cloudy days.

I love taking pictures of the moon. In this picture it looks like there is half of the map of the moon imprinted on it. I love walking around my garden on moonlit nights if the weather is good. Watching the moon was much easier in our earlier home. The moonlight always stole it way into our room through the window. I usually pushed back the curtains so I can enjoy the moonlight before I went to sleep.

There are many interesting studies about the phases of the moon and mental health . The crime rate around the full moon period is high and so are the number of patients who come to the hospital with exacerbated symptoms of aggression and violence. Full moon is also associated with sleep disturbances. There are a number of studies on that as well.

However, for me full moon is always associated with poetry and romance.

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    Do you like to watch the moon?

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    Do you enjoy moonlit evenings?

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Written by Dawn


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