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Macro Monday – Spider

Spiders, also called spiders, are one of the oldest terrestrial animals. Among them, the oldest pests and spiders are about 300 to 350 million years old. Spiders belong to the Arachnid class of about 20,000 species. They live on the ground, in the earth, on trees, on stones and underneath, on meadows, in the woods and also in our homes. Typical of the species is the number of steam feet (six). The first two pairs are jaws, the other four are for walking. They have six to eight eyes on the front. Spiders do not bite their prey, but excrete digestive juices on trapped prey, which break down the victim into a soft pulp that they sniff. They leave the hard parts next to the net. The body of the spiders is covered with dense hairs, which also protects them from insecticides. A special feature of this species is the glands that secrete the silk-like substance from which they prey on the prey net. There are toxic and non-toxic spider species. I took this picture in the fall when he was climbing the wall on the patio.

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Written by lado


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