Spiders, also called spiders, are one of the oldest terrestrial animals. Among them, the oldest pests and spiders are about 300 to 350 million years old. Spiders belong to the Arachnid class of about 20,000 species. They live on the ground, in the earth, on trees, on stones and underneath, on meadows, in the woods and also in our homes. Typical of the species is the number of steam feet (six). The first two pairs are jaws, the other four are for walking. They have six to eight eyes on the front. Spiders do not bite their prey, but excrete digestive juices on trapped prey, which break down the victim into a soft pulp that they sniff. They leave the hard parts next to the net. The body of the spiders is covered with dense hairs, which also protects them from insecticides. A special feature of this species is the glands that secrete the silk-like substance from which they prey on the prey net. There are toxic and non-toxic spider species. I took this picture in the fall when he was climbing the wall on the patio.
Are you afraid of spiders
Wow, it looks big! I am scared of most insects.
Thanks for watching and kind comment, dear Ellie…only this spider is not dangerous
I am scared by many bugs even if they are not dangerous, haha
Each of us has our fears … I can’t see the snake, dear friend
I am not terrified of spiders.
Thank you for your visit and nice comment…I do not fear them … for us not toxic
I’m not scared, but I’m uncomfortable.
Thanks for viewing and a friendly comment, dear Elenka
I love taking pictures of insects, I am not frightened of them. Only scorpions and snakes out some fear into me because I have seen people die and writhe in agony.
Thanks for viewing and a friendly comment, dear Dawn….I couldn’t take a snake either
i love spiders they bring much to the world and take much away (insects)!
Thanks for watching and kind comment, dear friend….spiders don’t bother me either …. on the contrary, they say that spiders bring good luck
they bring many fewer bugs for certain!
And there are no poisonous and dangerous spiders in us
we have two in the US that are being careful is critical!
And you have to be more careful right away, dear friend
Oh yeah, I guess it is time for another attitude adjustment. Spiders are useful. (I still won’t let them on me.)
They are also useful …. they say that spiders bring good luck
I do not like spiders but as long as they leave me alone they do have interesting webs and are interesting to see
Thank you for your visit and nice comment, dear Sandra….
That’s a good point. The webs can be very pretty.
Thank you for your kindness, my friend
I am afraid of them but have watched two of them mating and prooducing baby spidiers, on our bathroom wall.
Thanks for viewing and a friendly comment, my friend
You are most welcome and thanks for creating great things on the site.
Thank you for your kindness
Not afraid of them I just don’t want them to crawl on me.
Thanks for watching and kind comment, dear Carol….that they do not climb on me and I will not allow them otherwise they do not bother me
I don’t like spiders, but I not fond of them.
Thank you for your visit and nice comment….I don’t dress yin either … but they don’t bother me
Oh my gosh! I meant to say I am not afraid of them, but I am not fond of them. I sound like a crazy woman
I understood what you were about to say …. it makes you really not crazy, my friend
I’m not afraid of spiders
Thanks for viewing and a friendly comment, dear Vidocka…..you recognize this saying that a spider brings good fortune … just a net suha južina
Yes, I know this proverb
That’s why I never kill any spider just luck, but I still don’t
I don’t kill spiders either
That’s right, dear Vidocka