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Macro Monday ~ I will have another flower on the terrace soon

Today I have a slightly different picture for this challenge. This year, my flowers on the terrace are growing really well. I also added some new flowers. Among them is also the one in the picture. We usually see this flower in the gardens. I decided to do a test if the flower thrives on the patio as well. She looks beautiful right now. Now a question for you. Do you know which flower it is? I hope the question is not too difficult. When the flower blooms, I will show it to you. Hold your thumbs up for my test to succeed.

  • Which flower is this?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

11 Points

Written by vidocka


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  1. I am going to go with Dahlia as well. Those leaves give it away. I was thinking peony at first but the leaves are different. Dahlia does fit. Now, what color will she be….I will guess that deep dark red. It sure looks happy on the terrace.


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