
Love ItLove It

Love your inner child

I look at children and learn from their flow – how the time disappears for them, how they dive into the here and now, into that limitless being. I watch them and learn creativity, freedom, and play.

We, adults, build up so many barriers and brakes that we often stop completely, overgrow with lichens, suppress emotions, and run away from ourselves like crazy.

When I am with kids, I remember how easy is our being, how magical it is – how beautiful the grasshopper is and how much happiness and wonders the reddening apples create. 

And I am not surprised that we need to go back to childhood in psychotherapy in order to recover…

It’s so easy with kids .. they are so open, sincere and so joyful in the present. In fact, in each of us, no matter how old we are, lives our inner child, to whom we need to devote our time, let him have fun, and to love him strongly.

© Fortune, 2020

  • Does your inner child still ask for doing crazy things sometimes?

    • Yes
    • No


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Written by Fortune


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