Is there a problem with voting posts on Virily or is it a new bug? I know that the ads are trending subject as of now, but since yesterday all my posts say no users voted so far. I have been voting every post I read as I usually do, so I am not sure if your posts also say the same.
I do realize that Virily is making still making some changes, so this too will pass. I do see the poll answers are working much better now than they have in the last month or so.
Waiting for Virily to be back in good health and for Virils to gain more money power.
Question of
Do you see no user has voted so far on your posts?
Question of
Are you happy with the way Trump has handled this situation?
Question of
Are you happy with the way president Trump has handled this situation?
Question of
Is statesmanship and diplomacy important for a person of his standing?
There are issues with Polls and the workaround doesn’t always work.
sorry it got you!
No Doc, this posts is not about the poll questions, it is about the up and down votes. But it doesn’t matter now as it seems to be fixed.
The funny thing is I had written a post about diplomacy and Donald Trump, the questions from there have got mixed up with this one and that post has gone missing.
i never noticed the up and down option being gone. I must be oblivious.
Now I looked and saw that it reports and shows me the posts I voted for. They have already explained how to manually add numbers to the answers
Now it is showing correctly, I posted this six days back Lacho.
Surveys have really been a problem lately. I think Ilean has already answered some of the problems.
This posts was about the up and down votes, But I guess the post is six days late and things are okay now.
You probably have already noticed that the answers are not shown most of the time. I believe it’s a bug. Luckily, some people have found a way around it by manually adding answers that start with numbers. No idea why, but it works.
Ellie I was taking about the up and down votes, the counter wasn’t working when i posted this six days ago.
Sorry, I have misunderstood. There are too many bugs on the site.
Carol provided a way around it which is working perfectly well in her polls.
Thanks, and it is fairly easy to do.
Carol For some reason that reload option doesn’t work for me all the time. However, when I wrote this post six days ago I was talking about the up and down votes which constantly showed no one has vote as yet.
No problem. I will try today.
Introvert, I was talking about the up and down votes for posts. But the problem seems to be fixed now.
Oh…I see. It’s good to see the problem has been solved.
Im always voting when, i read post.
That is how it should be glad you read and vote posts . Thanks for responding. This posts is late by six days and it was about the up and down votes.
hmm, you’re welcome Dawn! always 🙂
Have a great day Hamza!!
Users cannot vote unless voting options appear. There are problems with these options.
Hmm I guess I didn’t make myself very clear. This question was about the up and down votes, well things seem to be fixed now.
Oh! I’m sorry I got it wrong!
No it isn’t your fault at all. If posts are approved once a week this is bound to happen. The post becomes meaningless.