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I Want To Talk About the State of the Union

My educated guess is that it would be one oneway conversation. So I will drop a link or two in here and see how I feel later. The link in the line above is simply a tweet that rings so true I had to share it.

In my opinion, the stunt that Nancy Pelosi pulled at the end of the address spoke volumes. Her wholes stance when she said that she doesn’t hate because she was a good Catholic girl, bit her in the butt again. Before when she said it she was shaking her finger in anger and people.  This time it was simply her smug and exaggerated show of ripping up what appeared to be a transcript of the President’s address.

It didn’t make the President look bad, it made Nancy Pelosi look like a smug child trying to get attention.

I know that Nancy Pelosi is a woman of prayer. I would suggest that today, like all the rest of us who are not perfect and sometimes behave in an unseemly manner, should be praying for our own forgiveness.


If for some reason it doesn’t stick, here is the link.

  • Question of

    Do you believe this was hateful and childish?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Is this why we pay her over $174,000 per year?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


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  1. If you want to talk about the state of the union you have to tell the whole story. Donald Trump did not want to shake the hand of Nancy Pelosi at the beginning of the speech and looked at her with hate. I think what the president did was much worse than what Nancy Pelosi did since he is the president. Regarding the state of the union speech, Donald Trump made a reality television program the other day, this can be ok for television but politics is a serious matter and the state of the union should be rigorous. The position of the United States in the global sphere is getting weaker because Donald Trump is converting the politics of the United States in a reality television show, I understand you criticize Nancy Pelosi but you have to criticize Donald Trump too. He is the president and what he made was very ugly.

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