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I killed this vine to save the trees around

Mansoa Alliacea better known as garlic vine is a vine beyond compare.  It spreads and adds colour to the whole garden but alas it kills those trees that winds its way

Garlic vine has great medicinal value but it is never in me to try out what I have never tried before.

We lost a yielding guava tree and had we nipped it in the bud so to say we could have saved the tree.

It was a sad day when we decided to bring down this vine.  I had tears in my eyes but it was invading the other trees too.

We have re-planted this vine where it can climb on trees that are wild.

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    Looking at the video would you have done what we did?

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    Do you have this vine in your garden

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20 Points

Written by grace


  1. if the vine were a symbiote, then everything would’ve been fine. the vine is a parasite so you had to kill it or lose all the trees. the vine brought this on itself
