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How flowers have changed the world

Once upon a time there was nature in which there were no flowers.

Recently – about a hundred million years ago, according to the calculations of geologists (our planet is four billion years old) – there were not a single flower on all five continents. The cold, gloomy, monotonous light of a world in which plants were only green stretched across the land from the poles to the equator.

But shortly before the end of the reptile era, a silent but shocking outburst took place in an unknown place. It lasted for millions of years, but still, from a geological point of view, it was short as an explosion: angiosperms or flowering plants appeared. Even the great evolutionist Charles Darwin calls them a “terrible mystery”, referring to their sudden appearance and their rapid spread.

Flowers have changed the face of the planet. Without them, the world we know today – and even ourselves – would not exist. Francis Thomson, the English poet, writes somewhere that one cannot tear a flower without disturbing the stars. With the intuition of a naturalist, he has perceived the immense interconnectedness and complexity of life.

The information is from

The photos are my own and have been redone with Google’s free Nik Collection – Color Efex Pro4 editor.

© 2020-Elenka Smilenova All Rights Reserved

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