
He Doesn't Even Notice

I was in the living room watching a movie and working on my crocheting project. He came in, sat down, picked up the remote and changed the channel. I wasn’t really too please, but clearly I was invisible so it seemed useless to talk about it. I gathered up all my supplies and moved into the bedroom. I turned on the movie and began working on my project again.

It wasn’t more than 10 minutes when he came into the bedroom took the remote and changed the channel. Again, I was clearly invisible so I picked up all of my supplies and went outside and sat in the truck. I began working on my project again.

This time I had about 20 minutes before he came out to the truck. He climbed in and said “what are you doing out here?”

I wanted to scream. Instead I said. “I was watching a movie, but it seems you weren’t interested in watching it. Instead of moving to every room in the house where there was a television, I decided to come out here where I was sure I wouldn’t be disturbed.”

He said “You could have told me you were watching the movie.”

“Or you could have asked.” was my reply.

He thought a minute and asked “Does this happen often.”

“All the time, and most of the time I ignore it. Today I just couldn’t. So could you please just leave me here alone for a few minutes so I can get this project done and then I will make dinner.”

  • Question of

    Does this ever happen to you?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you ever feel invisible?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Can you provide a better response?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. It does happen… and its annoying…
    worst is when the person changed the channel and then fell asleep soon after!!!!

    I’d get so mad I don’t talk to him!!