The one who needs it is the maid. She is the one who goes out daily for knick-knacks shopping. The currency notes that she needs to handle are many a time the culprits.
When the courier lands at the gate she is the one who gets the parcel and before getting there she will sanitize her hands.
Coronavirus we are now told can even settle in air and surfaces. There is just so much we can do and leave the rest to destiny. I spend most of my time indoors.
Do you have a hand sanitizer?
I prefer to use soap and water. I also have a hand sanitizer.
This is the first time I got a sanitizer.
I use soap and water. Finding a sanitizer is difficult
We live in a semi rural town with no cases so far and there is no shortage of sanitizers.
Sanitizer is almost short here,
I hope you will wash your hands with soap and water frequently
Home carers use hand sanitiser a lot and I have some still.
I have always used just soap and water but we have bought this sanitizer only for the maid.
Well, I only use it when there is no soap & water or else I am washing my hands too much in soap & water.
Hand sanitisers can be good for emergencies.