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Half Of Earth's Oxygen Source Gets No Credit!

In the process of photosynthesis, phytoplankton release exceedingly high volumes of oxygen into the water. Half of the world’s oxygen is produced via phytoplankton photosynthesis and is a 100% by-product of whale poop! The other half is produced via photosynthesis on land by trees, shrubs, grasses, and other plants combined!?

During the same period, a tree only contributes 3 percent of the carbon absorption of one whale breath. Phytoplankton is found in abundance, wherever whales are found. Whale poop has a direct multiplier effect on phytoplankton as it contains large volumes of nitrogen and iron which are the exact elements phytoplankton needs to grow; so, the more whales, the more oxygen, so why the hell do some so-called technologically advanced nations eat them and their mini-guardians of mankind, the dolphins?

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  1. Whales are called God Fish in my language. The connection seems deep enough. Truly life giving. May the people wanting to eat such beautiful animals , develop some heart and nurture these gigantic forms of God.

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