I sometimes forget that my father and grandfather both wrote me actual books of advice, for me personally. Granddad’s was written when I was five. Dad wrote it over several years beginning when I turned six. Odd, but I feel like Granddad knew my path and heart more than my dad.
Today I got them out to read again.
~ You need great friends and great legal help!
Isn’t that an interesting piece of advice to give a child? It has served me well. Legal advice has been needed in so many unexpected ways and finding legal help that has “your” best needs put first was quite a journey. Thankfully, we found a keeper! He has been amazing and he has trained and groom his son and grandson to be amazing. It’s helpful to have people to keep your legal matters on track.
~ Remember you are a child of God
Dad, unlike his father, was very strict religiously. As in attending a specific religion and following all the rules. Granddad was more do the right thing and go fishing a lot kind of religion. Still the foundation that my soul is literally a child of God is something that both talked and wrote about often. It thing Grandad would be okay with where I am. I know Dad is not.
(It took them 27 pages to make those points and I started my day at 2:00 am reading them. It may be the way I start the day for awhile, who knows?)
Disclaimer: Unless mentioned by name there is no real or inference, referring to anyone on this site, real or fictional.
Question of
Do you have written advice from family members?
Question of
Do you have journals from family members?
My favorite advice from a parent was never written down. It was said to my wife on the day of our wedding many years ago.
My father said in his speech at the wedding to my wife “thanks for marrying him, please remember no deposit no return.”
the audience laughed!
You are very lucky to have these things from your father and grandfather.
You are very blessed to have these writings from your father and grandfather to help you navigate thought life. All I have are memories.
I am truly blessed and it seems l learn something different every time I go through them.
Thats is actually priceless. What I would give to have what you have. The days you are feeling down, read these!
Thank you for sharing that with us. I have no advice from anyone.
Hang around here long enough and someone here will give you some advice.