I found a feather in my backyard. Not sure what bird left it there on the ground. But it does not matter. I have seen feathers often in my yard since I have so many backyard birds. But there was something different about this one. The color was unlike any birds I recall. Perhaps from a red tailed hawk. Either way, there was a special feeling I got when I found it.
I believe in some old wise tales. Some are just that, old wise tales. But I have always heard that if you find a feather, a love one left it for you to find.
The next time you find a feather, use it as a reminder that your angels are with you. If you’re not finding feathers, don’t worry your angels may prefer another sign. Just pay attention.
Believe or not, your choice. I choose to believe. That is what gets me through the day.
Do you believe there is anything to finding feathers?
I believe in the small characters that we sometimes receive and we may not even be aware of
Yes and that is the good thing, we all have the choice to believe what we want. Thank you.
I hear this about feathers for the first time and I do not think it really matters dear friend
I think we all have the right to choose what we believe. Thank you!
With great pleasure my friend
I even always talk to angels here.
I know and it is a good thing I believe. It gives me hope.
I’m sure you know what I mean by “here”, right?
I believe in magical signs like this from where he is. He thinks about you in his heart every second. Never doubt that. He is watching!
I knew that and thank you for the reminder.
I agree that sometimes things just happen and then it’s a sudden good feeling…
hard to explain but it just feels good after that
Yes and that is all that matters, how we feel. Thank you!