Although most people consider a dog to chase its tail for fun, the reason is not always that. Recently my cousin took her dog to the vet and surprisingly there are many other reasons why dogs have this behavior.
Pain: If the animal is experiencing pain in the tail or anal region it is normal for the dog to chase the tail, bite and lick to relieve discomfort.
Anxiety: Some reactions to anxiety in dogs are excessive licking or chasing the tail.
Parasites: Since parasites cause itching, the animal often tries to lick and nibble on its tail.
Neurological Problems: Problems such as epilepsy or brain tumors can cause changes in behavior, such as chasing your own tail.
Anal Gland Problems: If these glands ignite they cause discomfort, prompting the dog to search the area.
Question of
Do you have a dog?
Question of
Does your dog chase its tail?
Yes , i always to know the fact about chasing its tail.
I have two cats but have known dogs to chase their tails.
My dog was always chasing and biting her tail, so she never had hair on the tail. We tried different things but nothing really helped, the vet said that it’s a psychological thing. Apart from that, she didn’t show any other symptoms.
Our young dog has been known to chase her tail, but this is not common and it is usually only when she is in a playful mood and there is nothing else around that is worth chasing!
Thank you, I am glad the information can be useful.
It is very important information thank you for sharing!! Our dogs don’t chase their tales, but my daughter’s dog does.
she has an issue with her bottom.
Thank you, I am glad the information can be useful.
it is useful thanks! my daughter’s dog has to take medicine and when it isn’t working we has to go to the vet (and wear a diaper)
Interesting information. I had no idea about this! Maya never did that.