I just realised that the number of views is being removed and I find it rather annoying… Because most people aren’t commenting, voting or “emoti-reacting” to posts… View is the best way we judge if our posts are being liked …
Now it’s gone … :/
Question of
Do you think its important to have the number of views?
Question of
Do you want the views back?
Views are very important to me and they have to come back
Yes, very useful to us all!!
It would make things a lot easier for me if it was back. If you are listening Virily, please reinstate it.
Same here… I think its important to many of use here!!
I totally agree, views are important here. It’s impossible to find it on youtube, right?
Yes, I’m sure most popular websites doesn’t care about views… :p
I am sure that everyone is conserned, but I think it’s just a bug and hopefully, they will fix it soon.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to determine the difference between bugs and policy changes around here. Even something as simple as a post from the admins announcing new formats or acknowledging known issues would be of great service to the community…
I’ve to agree… and it seems each time they did an “update” or changes, something either went wrong or go missing… don’t they test the site before its up?
If they have a test environment, it doesn’t accurately model the actual site
I noticed it gone days ago and would love for it to be back.
I would want them back soon too!!
Hope the admin see this!!
That would be great if it changed.
I totally agree, views are important here. Please please bring them back!
Yes! Bring them back!!
I think views are important indicators for the posters!
…I am not in the mood to post for now since there is no view counter…I am too lazy to create posts without view counter…
…I am a number one advocate for view counter to be back anytime soon…We could not see if our posts work very well without view counter…It’s a must for me!
…hope Virily will fix this issue asap!
I guess it is important for most active posters…
I’ve experienced with many types of posts and topics… and I’d continue with only topics that yield more views… (especially when I make quizzes) I guess it would be important for Virily too, to track what is more “popular” with readers…
…view counter depicts the blogger’s status on how his/her blogs/quizzes attracts readers…that’s why it’s really a big must… 🙂
Well said!!
It’s a BIG must!!
…i think it’s a basic protocol to any blogging platforms to have the view counter seen on each respective blog, I haven’t seen any blogging platform that doesn’t have like this, it’s my first time here..?
…and I really wonder why!
I agree with you about the view issue. Hopefully it will return soon.
Same here!! It’s important to many of use, I guess…
Views are very important to me and they need to come back
Same here!!
I wish the admin see this and do something about it!!