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Cascading flowers

Trees or vines with cascading flowers are some of the prettiest sights. This cassia Fistula is one of my favorites. The flowers of this tropical tree cascades down reaching up to four or five feet in length.

Here in this picture they cascade between some coconut palms. The pretty yellow of these flowers look scintillating in the sun. These tropical trees usually bloom around April and are considered auspicious. Some people offer these flowers to their Gods seeking prosperity and abundance.

Parrots seem to enjoy these buds and bees flock around these flowers for their nectar.  I just cannot have enough to the cassia fistula, sadly it blooms only once a year.

  • Question of 2

    Do you like trees or vines with cascading flowers?

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  • Question of 2

    Do you consider any tree, plant or flower to be auspicious?

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    • No


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15 Points

Written by Dawn