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Bridge ~ Color Crazy Green ~ Sky Sunday

I took this picture this noon. A bright blue sky becomes the face of the sky for most of the day. When taking this photo, there is also a challenge that I remember at the same time, namely Crazy Color and Sky Sunday.

On the last day of the week, I have twice posted transition images between two colors, from the last color to the next color. With a similar idea, I also put green towards blue, by combining the two together.

Apart from being a kind of transition, for me, this idea also becomes a kind of picture of a bridge. The bridge that connects between two places, two regions,  maybe two thoughts, or two parties, or two people. I like the idea of bridges and bridging because it means that we as independent and mature individuals have a willingness to connecting, whether something or someone has never been connected or a relationship that has been cut off. This can also mean facilitating meetings between various ideas, desires, interests, etc.

  • Question of

    Do you like the role of a bridge?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you know what attitudes and abilities are needed by someone to be a liaison?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

11 Points


  1. Users voted 9 times.
    Q: Do you like the role of a bridge?

    Yes (8 votes) – 89%
    No (1 votes) – 11%

    Q: Do you know what attitudes and abilities are needed by someone to be a liaison?

    Yes (5 votes) – 56%
    No (4 votes) – 44%