
Autocorrection/Dictionary — Annoying or great help?

We’re all writers or bloggers … we type and write a  lot … It’s inevitable that we make some typos or spell errors here and there … that’s why some of us uses auto-correct or dictionary programs …

However, these programs had “removed” our “characteristics” – maybe auto correcting your favourite certain non-english word and created some of the funniest “jokes” of all times …

Do you find them annoying or helpful, in most cases?

  • Question of

    Do you use one of such programs?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Annoying or helpful?

    • Annoying
    • Helpful


What do you think?

Written by alibb


  1. Sometimes Im marked as wrong spelling for using New Zealand words. Spell check marks it wrong. We use English spoken in Britain, but not as American spelling.
    I just put in what I want and ignore spell check if I want to put my spelling in certain ways but in some ways its quite useful.

    • Yes, the “z” and “s” I assume, like “recognize” or “recognise”?
      I face this problem a lot, even with Words. I’ve a huge “sea” of red lines -_-

  2. I think spellcheck is a great use of technology, but autocorrect/autosuggest isn’t really mature enough yet to be much more than a nuisance. In a decade or so, they’ll probably be fine

    • I guess so too…
      I really depends on your speaking style …
      Since I type a lot of Singlish, it does makes some really funny changes … so I’ve turned it off.
