
An egg a day keeps the doctor away

I do not like apples and so I do not eat them. But I have an egg every day and I am confident it will keep the doctor away.  With B12, Proteins and other nutrients eggs do stand out when it comes to health providers. It is even claimed egg induces sleep if taken in the night…………..

Eggs can be had in may ways   There is the sunny side up, both sides fried, half boiled, quarter boiled, scrambled eggs, omelette, poached egg in water or milk, – may be there are more methods.  Some even swallow a raw egg every day.  Mother used to beat up a raw egg in hot milk if we had lung congestion. 

I like my eggs in several ways but scrambled eggs take first place

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Written by grace


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  1. I have observed that if I eat an egg at breakfast, I don’t feel hunger till lunch time. I usually have it sunny side up, boiled and scrambled. I used to like half boiled but somebody told me it’s not advisable as salmonella might still be present.


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