These spotted doves are gentle creatures unlike their aggressive cousins the pigeons. The spots on their neck and wings makes them very attractive. These birds are shy and seem to hide in the trees. Sometimes they are called pearl necked doves too.
Even their cooing is gentle. I love watching these pretty creatures. We had a couple of them that used to feed from our bird feeders. But they fly away at the slightest movement . I could never take pictures of these birds at our bird feeder.
Question of
Have you seen these birds where you live?
Question of
Are these birds common in your country?
It’s a beautiful bird. I haven’t seen them yet.
They are beautiful indeed. I love the marking around their necks.
I have never seen these birds with us … only ordinary pigeons live here
These are noiseless and often not very visible, they seem to hide from humans.
I have hunted this bird for many time in my Childhood
Oh my , how sad. This is such a lovely sweet bird.
Such a beautiful bird,thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your visit and comment Hina.
Doves are very common where I live, it is a friendly bird.
We have other kind of doves, but these aren’t so common here.
We have different varieties here and I love seeing them. Not sure if I have seen this one, how pretty. We have the Eurasian collared dove, mourning dove, but this one looks different.
We have some other varieties which are more common here as well.
they are amazingly beautiful creatures! i love Doves!
I certainly love doves, they don’t make a pest of themselves like the pigeons.
Since our garden is designed with birds in mind we get several types of birds and I remember seeing one spotted dove as well
Wonderful, you don’t have to struggle like me to take pictures I guess. ;D