
Love ItLove It

Accountability August 6th

I was trying for a great attitude and at least three things I could feel good about when I went to bed.  I had just crawled into bed and the kids and grandkids showed up. So I got up to hear all about their adventures. 

The amazing part of having them drop by is that they are always full of kindness and good things to say. So I got to listen to them and I felt pretty good about their comments. I also felt like at work I learned one new skill fairly and fairly successful.  On my personal time I reviewed four training classes and that gave me some encouragement that I am still able to learn, although it takes longer.

I had three and more, so it was a good day on accountability.  I am guessing Carol’s encouragement was a big part of my attitude.Thanks Carol.

  • Question of

    Do you try to encourage others?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you try to go to bed with good thoughts?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

16 Points

Written by Ghostwriter