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Abandoned Grand Castle Hotel – Closed Overnight (everything left)

The dark corridors and eerie rooms around every corner, hurting your neck from checking each new scene as you pass. Frozen in time is this once-grand hotel/resort that opened in the early 1970s but over the years the location became a lesser travel destination. Adding insult to injury, the hotel was hit by a hurricane that left damage too expensive for the hotel to repair, resulting in the closure in the early 2000s.                  It was an amazing place, A COUPLE WHO WERE THE LAST ONES TO STAY there before they closed the doors permanently, were literally the only ones there.   The Friar Tuck as it was called was already closed so they stayed in the Nottingham Village off to the left of the main resort,  all the way in the back by the lake.  They stayed there through a timeshare for two weeks, no amenities, just their room which was fine.

It was a little creepy at night being the only ones on that part of the property back there but they enjoyed it very much.  The writer’s husband had worked there as a dishwasher during the 1970s summers, his mother was a waitress there too and shared some really great stories about the place.

His cousin used to clean the hotel rooms up to the last days, and they had left food, a bottle of wine and a huge tip-in their room for her to collect when they left, but when she showed up to clean it the owner told her, “Don’t bother, we are shut down for good, no more work.” However, they did let her in to get her goodies. The  Friar Tuck has a lot of wonderful stories and memories for the locals around this once awesome facility.


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    • Not at all! I painstakingly left an entire list of required rules, none including yours was completed as required, Trenna.
      *I asked if anyone would be interested in finding out how to boost views
      * If so, to go to the post, and to start by checking the headline
      * Checking the content
      * finally, specifically requesting a tutorial explaining how it’s done.
      No one cared to read all of it!
      This is not a hoax, I Don’t Do Hoaxes, Google your own number one trending link here: When you click on search, it takes you back to
      Google search my link, and you’ll find it ranking on Google page 1 in position 1 on of 5 .6 million viewers. my link here: will be placed in front of anyone who uses those exact keywords
      The webinars were 4 hours long. I will set up an abbreviated version, FREE but only on my terms, ie. enough people interested! No one bothered to read my rules, so I’m not creating a course to show how I did it. No hard feelings.

      • I tired to read your rules. I didn’t understand them. So yes, no hard feelings. No feelings at all right now. Feeling very numb, confused and stupid. I still don’t understand. Whatever, I guess I am too dumb.

        • Did you see my link took you to Google page one? Well, all it means is that so many more people will see it and even as it eventually slides down, ie. off of the trending positions, as an article, it will remain for a long time, (people will read and watch the video)

          And, if you applied the same principles on all of your posts they should all rank on Google too, because of what those guys taught me over 4 hours of stuff to do. I know-how as you can see, right? If I was going to reduce 4 hours of work, for free, I will only do it for a bunch of really interested people.

          No one besides you have shown an interest, some people at Virily achieve that kind of ranking easily, and I’m happy for them, really, I am. Me, well, let’s just say, I have to work r e a l l y hard down here in Darkest Africa to get anywhere at all on the Internet/Virily, I really care about what you are going through, on the homefront right now. This here is nothing at all to worry yourself over. 🙂

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