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365 Day Photo Challenge Day 291 there on the horizon…

A moment in a day captured forever. That is the wonder of the 365-day photo challenge. The pictures are not to be more than seven days old. The challenge puts you in a position to remember. To recall. Alex commented on my post on Monday this week. His comment asked the question that wanders inside of me today. We do have to remember. But sometimes, memories are taken and never shared. My father was a good photographer. He took many wonderful pictures. He shared the pictures that thought were the best. Perfectly framed images of moments that he shared. Those memories resonate within our family. They are the moments that we all fondly recall.

But of the other pictures? The moments he (my father) deemed not good enough? Some of them have slipped away. My father traveled often for work. Many of the images he took, were when it was just him. The memories that go with the reason to click the camera shutter no longer here.

Anyone can join the photo challenge. You don’t even have to post wistfully….

  • Question of

    Do you check the rankings here on Virily? (I have to be honest I don’t very often).

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you listen when people share the stories of their lives?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!