#259 Falling Flower (1/6)

A frangipani, the cute plumeria has fallen by wind in the morning still stay there on the grass. Maybe the edge of its age has come indeed.


  1. Yes, Albert, although it is not heavy laden, her banana tree does bear fruit. Not sure about the dirt. It has mulch from leaves that fall from plants she has encircling it.

  2. Albert, my amazing friend who lives just down the street has a banana tree growing in her back yard. That is not something one often sees in the desert!

  3. Why do I have to make a new window everytime I will reply to you. Anyway, I only know two colors of that flower, white and pink. Are there any more colors?

    • In order not to need to open a new window, you must reply from the main post. This applies to all posts in this format.

      Basically there are many color combinations from frangipani, a combination of white – yellow with two dominations of one of them, white – pink with two dominations one of them, a combination of white – yellow – pink, with two combinations of two colors mostly yellow – pink, white and red, dark red and dark pink. Those are some colors that I know.

  4. Everything is different. Where I am now is desert, with very little vegetation. I grow a lot of plants inside the house, though. My own little “jungle.”

    • This flower is very much in Indonesia, many of these very exotic trees are exported for gardens abroad. In Bali & Java, this flower is an important part of religious rituals; Hindu & Kejawen (original Javanese spirituality).