
Wander project within the question lay more questions…

For a moment, let us wander to an auditorium—a large hall with setas. The entire place was filled with people. A great master came to speak to the crowd and did so for an hour. Many came forward to ask questions of the great thinker. In the back of the room, a single student sat confused.

Finally, the student ran to the Master who had just spoken to the group. The student was at the back of the group, and the Master was leaving from a doorway in the front. The student arrived and, for a moment, held up his arm to catch his breath. The Master smiled and paused. A second student, waiting by the door interceded before the first student could catch his breath.

“Master, your words flowed like water over a waterfall, caressing and beautiful, thank you.”

The master smile and waved to the first student without saying a word. He turned to the student who had run from the back of the room.

“Master, I am sorry. I did not understand the message.”

The Master suddenly smiled, beaming almost.

“You have learned the first lesson well,” the Master said and began walking toward the door.

The student rushed and gently tugged the Master’s sleeve.

“yes” the Master answered

“Master, I am sorry, I do not understand still.”

The Master smiled again and embraced the student.

“Come with me; we have much to learn together.”        

The goal of the Master was to find those who questioned things and sought answers. So he chooses the student who asked questions instead of as the first student had done assumed a meaning. In taking a purpose placed in words, we risk the communication for no message buried can ever be fully explored without questions.

This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)

i love flowers

they mix resilient with gentle


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  1. In Zen, one cannot approach a master if he is already full. One must unlearn what is already learned and this process is a continuous undertaking. However, in some other aspects of life, the case of when to question and when to withhold requires discernment. One has to know when he is only banging his head on the wall. I do this a lot. Banging my head on the wall. Nice exercise. Keeps the head soft too 😂😜

          • The master acts without doing anything and teaches us without saying anything. Things arise and she lets them come. Things disappear and she lets them go. She has but doesn’t possess, acts but doesn’t expects. When her work is done, she forgets it, that is why it lasts forever. ~Lao Tzu~

            So even when the master is gone, the master’s teaching survived. People have no idea who Lao Tzu actually was. But his words are “one of the wonders of the world.”

        • i learned something similar – but with the addition of the reality of open versus closed mind.

          The closed mind praises the words and thoughts of others.
          The open mind tries to connect the thoughts to their own, if they fail they come to ask questions.

          The master in this parable sought those with open minds.

          • My mind is both closed and open depending on the subject matter at hand. If the master will, say, insist to moderate my sweets consumption, I will try and be as close-minded as possible. Why sir when there is no desserts in heaven? 🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. All of the flowers are gorgeous.

    We can never ask too many questions. I just like to get answers when I ask.
    Many times I am guilty of overthinking as this student seems to have been doing.
    Making too much of a situation perhaps. Often easy to do.

    • yes the other meaning is that others applied meaning to words that had no meaning. Whereas the last student was confused and sought counsel (questions) to resolve that! Never assume you know the secret message, there may not be one!

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