
Wander project through my father's eyes 11

(the last couple of pictures through my mother’s eyes)

Photography is a connection between the moment, the vision and the photographer. These pictures are from dad’s Indiana 14 folder. They represent, however, three different locations, two in Indiana and one in Wisconsin. Or possibly two in Wisconsin, but in one I know to be in Indian and one I know to be in Wisconsin. The first few pictures are of Springmill State Park. Nestled in the hills of Southern Indiana and a place we visited often. Brown County state part was much closer than Springmilll, but Springmill held magic first, because there was a working stone mill, able to grind corn the way they did in the 1800s a magical recreation of the way things used to be.

Springmill also had an Inn, lakes and lots of picnic areas. We have pictures of Springmill all the way back the 1960s. We took my father’s parents to Springmill in the 1960s. My favorite part of going to Springmill was stopping in Mitchell Indiana. There is the home town memorial to an Indiana Hero. Virgil I. Gus Grissom was born in Mitchell Indiana. He died as part of the Apollo 1 launch pad explosion. He was, is one of my heroes. After the Springmill pictures there are a couple of pictures that I suspect are my father’s parents house in Racine Wisconsin. They, my grandparents, moved to Racine from Wisconsin Dells in the late 1960s or maybe 1970.

the I originally thought the last pictures were of Racine and Lake Micigan but I realized they are not. The water and sand are Lake Monroe. The pictures are a little faded but one of them is my father holding my little sister. The picture would have been the summer of 1970, or possible the summer of 1971. The beach is Fairfax beach in Monroe Country (it might actually be in Lawerence County) Indiana. We went to Fairfax beach often. My mother grew up on a lake in Wisconsin. She loved being on the beach, near the water and just having fun near a lake. The picture of dad would have been taken by mom so the pictures today re the through the eyes of my parents not just my father.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!