Some things stick with us that we collect over the years! The last picture in the collection today is of my hat collection. One of the hats is the Disney World hat and has all the park pins (each of the parks has a pin, and then you also have a badge for the Disney Cruise). But the hat of interest in that collection is my leather Indiana Jones hat (a gift). Yes, I wear it on occasion; it is one of my favorite things. I have a baseball cap collection as well, but those are more walking hats than something I collect and display. Anyway, I will wander the groups I’ve been doing for the last few years. In part to respond to a post yesterday where using a picture to help you past writer’s block.
There are three Christmas TV shows from my childhood that I watched every year. That Grinch that Stole Christmas narrated by Boris Karloff is my go-to. But there was also another one. Frosty the Snowman, in particular, I feel in labor with the Bumble. The Bumble was the nickname of the adorable Snowman, a mythical creature that appears in the show. I love the Bumble, and my wife found one when she was shopping one time, and my collection was born. It is a massive part of our relationship to give each other something on the occasion that makes the other go oh, thank you! We also love to give cards and have done that for many years as well.
The last collection is two-part. The first part is Big Mouth Billy Bass, the singing fish. No, not a good singing fish. Plus, he only knows one song (take me to the river). He was a novelty gift several years ago (that and a singing lump of coal). The other is a Grundig shortwave radio. My parents bought me a ShortWave (AM/FM as well) radio before we went to Thailand. I got interested in the reality of radio waves. The Grundig receives virtually every possible radiofrequency. I like searching the dial to see if I can hear the sounds of the universe. My daughter’s godparent gave the nutcracker in that picture to her; I think she keeps it there because of the memories!
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
You are the lucky recipient of random comment number 201 “Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.” — Lady Bird Johnson
that is an awesome quote, love it!
I think we all have those “special” collections. I remember when my mom gave my girls the U.S. map to collect the “new” quarters on. I have a few collections myself including dolls, coins, and old albums to name a few.
🙂 what is an album? 🙂 sorry I couldn’t help that
LP, 33, some other terms they younger generation would be wondering about!!
we had a dog (Frosty) that loved to eat albums. I have saved the 20 or so she chewed on. I can’t get rid of those.
Then I have my dads that I can’t get rid of. I started my collection right before CDs were big, so i have a few that I can’t get rid of.
But then CDs arrived.
LP? Listing Protocol? I have around 1200 albums!
I haven’t managed to save most of mine through the years. I had a ton of them too!
Reminds me of some of Dustin’s collections over the years.
I had the same types of collections when I was a kid