
Wander project the last 20 (or so) pictures on my cell phone

It is and has been now for 128 days to take and share a picture every single day as part of the 365-day photo challenge. As part of the challenge, you post a picture every day. Every 15-20 days I share all the pictures near, around, before and after the ones I shared as part of the challenge. The pictures today cover a game of things I have posted (and a few I have not). Some were taken yesterday, while others were from more than a few days ago.

The oldest picture is roughly nine days old. The newest ones were taken yesterday afternoon.

As part of the family history project that this blog focuses on, I have two rules. The first is that I have to share the stories of my family. The second is the always important reality of the pictures. We have thousands of pictures, some of which have never been shared. The family history project was initially about scanning those pictures so that 100 years from now they would still be in our family. We lost a chunk twice of family history with photos that were lost when computers crashed. So beyond simply scanning them, we also have multiple copies of all the pictures. Online and offline so that we won’t risk losing them with one pc crash.

This collection offers a view of the different things I take pictures of. Moments, technology and surprising things I wasn’t expecting. This is part of my two ongoing challenges within the 365-day photo challenge. The first inner challenge is sharing the collections in my house. The second is the 20-day share, what’s on your camera!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!