
Wander project (seeking warmth) Wisconsin Dells…

Also warm, 2011’s family reunion in the Dells. Wisconsin Dells, where my father and grandfather were born. Although I am told, my grandfather was born on a small farm outside the city limits. The Dells back then wasn’t very big so it could have been half a street. Anyway, the reunion was during the summer. The year before we moved to Maryland. The trip to the Dells from Greenwood was about 8 hours or so by car.

The kids and I went, my wife was in school pursuing her masters and couldn’t go (she had finals the next week). Some of the pictures shared were taken by me some were taken by my kids. I suspect the blurry ones were taken by me. But my rule is that I share all the pictures, not just the good ones. The family history project is about the moments captured, the memories stored in the memory banks and so on. It is not about seeking perfection.

It is today about seeking warmth. I am truly cold. Yesterday as we walked in the darkness, I realized it was cold. Funny thing is we walk fairly close to  6 pm eastern time every single day. In the summer that is still the peak of the swelter. In the winter that is darkness. In the winter I have a headset I wear so that we can see. In the summer we are wearing shorts and sweating like crazy. In the summer the dogs aren’t happy. They love the walk but not the heat. In the winter I swear they bounce instead of walk!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!