
Wander project my last few pictures…

As has been my tradition during the 365-day photo challenge every other week or so I pick a day and share the last few pictures from the Challenge. That makes for an interesting Hodgepodge of pictures. No theme to grab ahold of, or a pressing memory to be triggered. Instead, you get both the pictures shared for my Tech Wiz column and my challenge pictures. It is funny when I review the pictures I’ve recently. Many of them are of devices I use every day. My Jabra headsets (I have two) are something I use every day. One, the USB connected Jabra headset, is used with my work computer. The other, the wireless is used with my work and personal cell phones.

The Google Home sits in my office; the google assistant sits in my wife’s office. Both are used every day. My wife uses hers to listen to music. I tend to use mine for weather and s a connection to the other Google devices in the house. I use Alexa for music in my office, because the Sonos One does both Sonos and Alexa. Let’s me early in the morning have classical, and later in the day have the talk radio. Oh yeah and because it is an Amazon connected device I can also listen to my Audible books. Currently, I am listening to the Last Lecture. I hadn’t read the book (or listened to it), but it has been recommended to me by some people. I had listened to the Ted Talk (the last lecture), and the follow-on the book is amazing.

What would you say at the end of your life?

The other devices and pictures are of weather and Keecker. Oh yeah and a couple of dog pictures. Raven and Dylan are the resident Labradors in our house. Dylan is the yellow lab. Raven is the Black Lab. Both of them are wonderful dogs that make sure everyone in our house is ready when it is walk time. I suspect if you asked either of them, they spend too much time getting humans ready for a walk. But, it is all good when we are walking!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!