
Wander project London England…

My third trip to London was as part of the project I was doing in NYC. We ended up spending a week in London at a wonderful hotel. We were able to arrive on Saturday late (my friend got there a few hours earlier than I did). We spent the daytime hours in the Financial district of London near the last of the old London Wall. Also, as an aside near the Lond School for Grils.  Not that we wandered to that school, just that we were near it. We got to hang out with a great crew of people in the London office of the company we were working with. They were the early team for the project and had a lot of very detailed questions. I spent four days getting grilled by technical folks and solving really hard problems.

My good friend (he is in a couple of the pictures) loved to watch me squirm. So him seeing me try to answer the really hard technical questions that were being posted. I did, with a little help from some other folks, manage to fix the issues. Which in the end was good, as mentioned this was the early adopter group for our project, and they are critical to our success. They were also the most vocal group and getting them to our side was a key goal of our in-person visit. We did, but it took some time that week. The first couple of days were long, grinding focused whiteboard days. Lunch was usually wandered to a nearby café or small restaurant and grabbed something to eat.

Dinner was a great experience. We wandered to a number of the area pubs to try a variety of the London experience. We also spent a night wandering London’s Theater District. The Theater district lies just on the other side of Trafalgar Square, and near the museum district. It was also really close to a church I had learned about many years before on NPR. The church has a famous choir, and they often share their music with the US audience via NPR> St. Martins in the field is the name of the church. It is cool to wander places that you’ve heard about, read about and dreamed about overall. I think the best part of going to the theater district at night was enjoying a dinner watching people rush to a show (they were late)!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!