Ah, the family portrait. I think this one from 2007 is my all time favorite family portrait. First of all, there are a number of them, with various groups of people. Back in 2007, December, in fact, we used to still get live trees for the entryway of our house. We had a gas fireplace in the living room (a wood stove is better I promise). As you see the progression of pictures every family member of that time slowly joins in.
There are pictures with (towards the end) of both Fran and Gwen. Fran was our lab. She was my daughter’s dog, best friend, and protector. Gwen was the dog who joined our family in Cincinnati Ohio. She struggled to fit into a family her whole life. She wanted to be part of the world we were in, but she never really understood how things worked. In fairness to Gwen, she carved out a place in our family, just not what I think she wanted.
Finally, there are a couple of pictures of the tree and my wife. Mostly of the fresh tree. I love the smell of a pine tree in the house. They dry up far too quickly, but the smell for the first few days is amazing. Anyway, family portraits 2007. Taken in front of the Christmas tree, and in front of the marble fireplace in the living room of our old house in Greenwood Indiana. It is a moment in time, captured by a camera. A young family preparing based on clothes for a holiday event!
Love this silhouette.