
Wander project the Bay (and looking inward a bit)

I must say the concept of the Dread Pirate Scott rings true. Well except for the fact that I am not a pirate and most people do not fear me. Other than that it rings true. For those who don’t recall the movie, the Dread Pirate part comes from the wonderful movie “The Princess Bride” which is a favorite in our house. One of the many great moments in that particular movie that I have remembered and replayed many times.

Every time we take our boat out to the Bay; we wander past the sailing school that occupies the bit of land on the river we dock on. That’s is a long sentence there, I suspect I could probably cut that down a bit. The last bit of land before the bay is the sailboat school. They have some small craft, sailboats, and we always say we are going to take sailing lessons. We haven’t as of this writing, but that is one of our goals for this year.

I sometimes wonder about goals. I set them every year, From New Year’s resolutions on, seeking to improve, change or modify my life. If, one were to take a hard look at the goals one creates, how successful are you? I had some years ago that was far to easily achieved. I’ve set new ones that at times I struggle with. I continue to press onward, but they aren’t as easy. I find that I set harder goals for myself now than I used to years ago. Is that the case for everyone?


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sailing lesson sounds a very appealing and fun idea — but didn’t you already know how to operate a boat? I have driven a jetski in Boracay and Bali but I think a boat is a different thing.
