
Wander project Bangkok and other

Over the years I have been around the world more than once (although not in a single around the world trip. I have flown over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans multiple times each. I have found places throughout the world that I love. Places that I think about, wonder about and when possible visit again. I am not an epic travel writer; there are many of those if you want links to email me and I will connect you with some of the travel writers I find amazing., Rather I am a family historian. Not in the traditional sense of family history, getting a huge piece of paper and drawing the tree that is my families lineage back to the 1300’s. The last few years in those are always suspect as records weren’t the high point of society early on.  Instead, I focus on the moments and capturing the memories of the moments. I mentioned yesterday and will again today that oft my missives don’t live next to the pictures I am sharing. That is the curse of the writer in me. Sometimes the inspiration for the text is a memory, that isn’t shared with but as today instead is sparked by the pictures.

There is plenty to consider every day. The world changes ever around us, and it is in part our job to find the meaning of the revelation. Each photo I share, as with every photo shared here and every other blog, is a moment in time. A second, well truly less than a second overall, a millisecond of time. At that moment, that sliver is the inspiration that I write about.  The mix of text and pictures is what inspires me. I hope you find something in them as well.

(images of Bangkok Thailand)


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!